
I bring together a combination of technical expertise, leadership skills, creativity, and a strong understanding of user-centered design principles. I also possess the ability to adapt to evolving challenges and technologies while maintaining a commitment to thoughtful user experiences and business outcomes.

  • Design Leadership
    Strong leadership abilities to guide and mentor design teams, collaborate with stakeholders, push through organizational and technical complexity, and drive the UX vision and strategy.

  • User-Centered Design
    Emphasis on user-centric design principles and methodologies, including user research, usability testing, co-creating with users, facilitating diverging and converging design activities, and validating experiences at all stages of design.

  • Collaboration and Communication
    Effective collaboration with cross-functional teams, including product managers, developers, researchers, and business stakeholders, and strong communication skills for conveying design rationale.

  • Strategic Thinking
    The ability to shape UX decisions, define UX strategies and align design efforts with business goals and objectives.

  • Problem-Solving
    Strong problem-solving skills for identifying UX and usability issues, addressing challenges, and finding creative solutions to complex design problems.

    View my 2024 Resume